Merchant Vessels of the United States is a data file of merchant and recreational vessels documented under the laws of the United States by the U.S. Coast Guard. The source for this file is the U.S. Coast Guard's Marine Safety Information System (MSIS) database, a comprehensive system serving many Coast Guard marine safety operating programs. The data file of merchant vessels has been specifically prepared from several data tables contained in MSIS. This data has been used as source data for publication of Merchant Vessels of the United States.
A Merchant Vessel Database data file consists of vessel particulars and managing owner identification information. For vessels, the file contains the vessel name, official number, hull identification number, builder, managing owner name, particulars such as tonnage and length, port of documentation (homeport), and authorized trade endorsements. Hailing port is not contained in the data file, and there are no foreign vessels in this file. For managing owners, the complete mailing address is provided. Information in the file is current as of Dec 31, 2004. (Version 2004.4 release February 2005 with data thru 12/31/04).
MIS Version 2004.4 December 31, 2004 (data distributed quarterly)
MIS Sample Screen Prints:
Opening Screen (Main Screen)
Boating Accident Record
Extened Search Screen
Documentation Record w/Index Search
MIS Version 1.0 - 2004.4 December 31, 1992 - December 31, 2004 (historical data available)
MVDB Sample Screen Prints:
Opening Screen w/search
Record View Sample
Table View Sample
Search & MVDB Printing Lable Selections
M/V DB on CD-ROM is a separate user friendly program containing all Documented Vessels in the U.S. written with the specific function of label printing and contains expanded searches and save features with simplified printing and mailing commands, specifically designed for power users and target marketing to the marine community. Re-Programmed for 1998 data for easier use.
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